Browse Items (98 total)

A documented account of Case No. FL_02, occurring in Pompano Beach, FL, 33069 from April 2006 to January 2008

In late April 2017, residents protest at a city commission meeting against a potential proposal for a mosque by the Treasure Coast Islamic Society in the City of Port. St. Lucie. By the time of the city commission meeting, the property is already…

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In October 2017, vandals spray painted “TRUMP”, a racial slur for Muslims, and a swastika on the campaign poster of a Muslim city council candidate in front of the construction site of a local mosque in Raleigh, NC. A re-zoning application for the…

In 2008, the Islamic Center of Henrico submits a proposal to rezone a 5.2-acre lot to build a 10,000-square-foot mosque and community center. Mosque opponents raise concerns about increased noise and traffic. After Henrico County denies the…

In 2015, city officials in Rock Hill, SC deny an exception for cemetery usage to the Islamic Society of South Carolina. The public hearing before the Zoning Board draws a standing-room crowd in opposition to the project, including prejudicial…

A documented account of Case No. MA_01, occurring in Roxbury, MA, 02120 from October 2003 to June 2009.

The Muslim community of the South Valley Islamic Center (SVIC) in San Martin seeks to build a mosque, community center, and cemetery because their current place of worship, a barn, is insufficient for the growing community. Despite gaining approval…

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In 2012, the West End Islamic Center proposes to knock down its single-story temporary mosque and replace it with a 35,000-square-foot facility that would include a mosque, classrooms, a daycare, a kitchen, offices and a conference room. Some…

In 2010, the Sidney Town Board took legal action to stop the Osmanli Naksibendi Hakkani Dergahi from using part of its 50-acre property as a cemetery. The Sufi community purchased the land in 2002 and began using it for burials in 2009. The Town…

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Following public protest in 2015, the Gwinnett County Commission votes unanimously to deny the Community of Bosniaks’ petition for a cemetery. The Community of Bosniaks declined to appeal the denial, although the county’s staff review and planning…
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