Browse Items (98 total)

In early August 2016 and after more than two hours of presentations, public comment, and deliberations, the Orange County Board of Zoning Adjustments votes unanimously to deny the Muslim community’s request for a special exception to build a mosque…

In February 2009, the Muslim Friends of Florida eventually receive approval from the St. Lucie County Commission for a scaled-down version of a site-plan they had proposed the previous year. The approval follows months of public opposition that…

In 2015, the Bosniak Islamic Cultural Center applied to build a cemetery in West Pennsboro Township. Despite the agricultural zoning allowing for cemetery use, the township board rejected the application in March 2015, citing groundwater…

A documented account of Case No. FL_04, occurring in West Boynton Beach, FL, 33436 from April 2011 to [?]

A documented account of Case No. NJ_01, occurring in Wayne, NJ 07470 from 2003 to 2008

In 2006, the Warren Planning Commission rejected a proposal for a mosque in Warren, Michigan, citing concerns about traffic and noise disruptions. Imam Steve Elturk, who had faced previous rejections in other locations, confronted bias allegations. A…

In May 2015, the Walpole Board of Health denied Al-Marhama Islamic Burial Services a special permit to construct a cemetery on three acres of land. The board justified its decision by citing potential groundwater contamination because the property…

A documented account of Case No. CT_01, occurring in Wallingford, CT, from April to October 2008

In August 2008, the city government of Walkersville, Maryland, rejected a request for a special exception by the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community (AMC) to build a religious center on a portion of a 224-acre farm in the agricultural zoning district. The…

Councilman Bill DeSteph of Virgina Beach, Virginia, says a city council approved mosque is a threat to national security and has ties to the Muslim Brotherhood. He provides no evidence to support his claim, and is the only council member to vote…
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